Please Advise Your Immediate Return

Please Advise Your Immediate Return 2017

Bombay Beach Bienalle

Site Specific Installation Salton Sea

Plants, Candles, Fabric, Wood


Every April for 4 years Bombay Beach Biennale took place at the shores of the Salton Sea, the site of one of the worst ecological disasters in the US

The Biennale is a celebration of art, music, and philosophy. The abandoned houses and vacant lots served as a canvas for artists who created concerts, operas, ballets, lectures, movie screenings, and art exhibits throughout the town.  Many installations, such as the the Opera House, The Hermitage Museum, Drive-In Theater, The Institute, Angler Grove, and Nine, have become permanent gifts to the town.

‘Please advise you immediate return’ 2017 was created adjacent to, and in response to the Bombay Beach Banned Book Library. ‘Lady Chatterly's Lover’, one  of the most well known banned books in English literature, used the word ‘Cunt’ 14 times and was primarily the reason for its censorship. The rootless flower garden, the boat with sails covered in tiny vaginas, and knitted sex dolls in wicker chairs were in part an exploration of ideas around mans impact on the environment, The idea that man tame or colonize any landscape. The formal English ‘Cunt garden, a shrine and a folly, placed next to this poisonous sea was simultaneously absurd and heartbreaking.