Why Are We Here?
There's nothing quite like evacuating your home, with your kids and your silly little dog, in 100 mile an hour winds, to escape a fire that will destroy the homes of 80% of your friends, and that will go on to become a National Disaster, to make you ask that question.
There's nothing quite like a nazi salute at a presidential inauguration and the swift dismantling of democracy in the country you chose to call home. Then there's the death of children, from terrorism, from bombs, from previously almost eradicated viruses, and from guns acquired more easily than a morning after pill, to make you ask that question again and again.
So please consider this my ‘Jerry McGuire’* style Midnight Missive, provoked, in no small part, by the earthquake last night that felt like the icing on the cluster fuck cake that was the beginning of 2025.
We could go on right? All of us can list the endless stories that will break your heart and make you question everything.
Wish You Were Here 2024 (Isle of Wight)
So why are we here?
I mean you and me?
Me typing this in my studio just a few minutes away from a pile of ashes bigger than Manhattan, and you reading this wherever you are(I hope safe and well).
There's so much noise, so much information to consume, why show up here?
I'm going to take a wild guess that you're here for the same reason I am. That you believe, contrary to what much of the noise is telling us, that connection matters. Individual stories matter. That art matters.
We still believe in art and beauty and joy, and dare I say the power of love?
Wish You Were Here 2024 (Isle of Wight)
When we rushed from the house that dark stormy night, as smoke and ash whirled around us, I grabbed a small envelope of family photos, two pieces of the kids art, a book from Harry's dad, art made by friends and loved ones**, a box of negatives and slides, and a long tulle dress (seriously, I thought it would cheer me up if everything else went up in flames), hard drives containing my work, and a copy of this mailing list.
The one that I use to send this to you.
Because at the end of the day this is what matters to me. Not because I can sell you some art and not because anything I share here is so very important, but because connection and community is.
A space to connect with those who believe in the power of art, free from the algorithmic whims of billionaires, feels precious right now.
Ice Cream Stories 2024 (LA, Joshua Tree, Wales, Isle of Wight) 100 Polaroids
For the last two years I have been collecting stories. Many of them, most of them in fact, have brought me to tears. People are amazing. Our resilience and our regrets, the staggering losses, the great loves, and the brilliant brave hopes and dreams, and the strength and perseverance in the face of adversity. The belief that our stories are worth sharing. What started out simply as a curiosity about sharing soft serve ice cream with strangers now gives me hope.
Because together we are powerful.
Making room for Art and Joy doesn't mean inaction, it's the opposite.
It's the fuel we need for the long fight. Courage is contagious. Sharing stories of acts of resistance however small is vitally important. Joining in community, in collective action, with those who share our beliefs and priorities makes us stronger so together we can help others.
When we focus on art and joy and love and truth and justice and equity, in communities where all are welcome, we're not just fighting what we hate, but creating what we love.***
I'm so happy you're here.
In solidarity.
I'll be collecting stories, sharing ice cream and creating a community action.
Please join me.
Can't wait that long? You'll find 6 of my new small scale print works, curated by Alexis Hyde, in the SPRING/BREAK LA Virtual Art show online now. Alongside over 70 other wonderful artists. A percentage of the proceeds going to LA Art Community Fire Relief Fund
* Jerry McGuire Tom Cruise writes an epiphany inspired mission statement late at night and changes his life :)
** In case you're wondering who's artwork I tooks with me when we evacuated…
Eileen Cooper, Delaine Le Bas, Alison McKenna, Dyana Gravina, Sue Paraskeva, Penny Rich, Mary Grant. They are all incredible artists. Follow them and buy their work!
*** I think I stole this last line from a Star Wars episode, seemed apt.